Monday, August 5, 2013

Hand-painted Sea Glass

Sometimes, it's fun to do something besides cook...

Mix Elmer’s glue with food coloring to make any glass jar look like sea glass.

In a bowl, you will want to add one teaspoon of White Elmer's Glue, three drops of food coloring and 1 1/2 teaspoons of water. 
For best results use a foam brush. Paint the outside of the jar only. 

Seal the jar with Epoxy Glue or a clear varnish to last for years of use. If you are planning to use this for drinking, coat it with a food grade varnish found in craft stores

These look really nice with candles, electric candles, or glow sticks inside of them.

Optional idea: To add a design to the jar, such as a Goddess spiral, stars, moon, butterfly, etc, tape the shape on the jar, using painters tape. Paint the entire jar (you can even paint over the tape). Once the paint is completely dry, carefully remove the tape. You can paint the symbol a different color or leave it unpainted. Add a candle and see the beautiful effect of the design. You can also add a bit of glitter to the glue mixture for a shimmering effect.

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