Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Does age really matter anymore?

I like to make jokes about being a 25 year old in a 45 year old body but I still know my place in life. I know that I can't really be 25. I have a family...husband, children, home, job, pets, etc...that means I have to be grown up...right?

Don't get me wrong. I completely agree with those who say 'you're only as old as you feel' (some days, I'd swear I was 90). There's nothing like living the laundry and dirty dishes behind to spend time hanging out with my girls. However, there's a time when I just have to take a deep breath and admit that I'm not a kid anymore.

Some people seem to have a hard time accepting that. I have friends who are 30+ and still feel they should be hanging out with their pothead friends and staying up all hours of the night, watching old movies, while I feed them (and their cats). For some reason, they don't understand that I work to feed MY family and MY cats.

Oh well, not that my rant is going to make them act any different...especially since they don't even subscribe to this blog.