Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Great idea!

While cruising through all the posts on Facebook today, I came across this awesome idea...

No more trying to find a good place for the recipe book.
The coolest part is, this person's kitchen is set up exactly like mine so this will work perfectly for me!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Today was supermarket day. Time to restock the kitchen and get everything needed for this week's meals. Since it's just Leilani & me this week (Jay is out of town for training), meals will be small but still amazing. I plan to make Lemon Chicken tomorrow night and some Thai Chicken Skewers later in the week. 

Tonight, we're having pork ribs marinated in Pirate's Gold. 

Be sure to check back throughout the week as I'll be sharing some amazing recipes.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Be yourself...

I've put off being myself long enough. I was meant to be in the kitchen...end of story. I've tried so many other things but I always come back to my kitchen. 

Life gets in the way. Life tells me I'm bored and want to do something different. Life needs to shut up and let me be me.

Now, let's start cooking...